Why Popp Solutions?

We Don’t Work for Anyone.  Except You.

Jon writing in notebook

Popp Engineering has full access to nearly every product manufactured for every production need in nearly all seed industries from small to large grains. Repeated, close relationships with global manufacturers keeps Popp extremely informed of all product capabilities, strengths and soft spots as well as appropriateness to every project.  No exclusivity agreements here, we choose the product that’s best for your application.

We Listen. We Learn. We Understand.

We apply listening, learning and understanding your needs to not only all processes and products in the industry, we more notably, with every customer. While our background knowledge is critical, precisely understanding what you want takes it to new levels.

This knowledge covers every brand and product in the industry. When you need a specific solution, a renovation or even a new facility, we select very specific products that best fit your solution…regardless of brand.

That gives you efficiency, capability and effectiveness.

What We Don’t Tell People. Just Watch.

Popp features some of the world’s finest engineers specifically focused on seed production. Our highly educated and experienced team has access to the most recent design technologies. 3D modeling, 360-degree rotation, walk-through visuals, specific dimensional design functions and other advanced design software features can be found throughout Popp’s facilities.

Sophisticated people. Sophisticated technology. Simple solutions.

Dusty Boots. Or A Tie In A Suit.

Before any work begins, we typically hit the road to visit with our customers, study current capabilities and future needs and then, return to the office to select the right product mix with the Popp solutions team.

Whether it’s one part or a brand new facility, we provide detailed answers to customer needs. That may include graphics, descriptions and budgets.

Our entire solutions effort is designed around the knowledge we gain from visiting with you This “begin with the end in mind” mentality allows every customer to have a unique seed production system that fits only its needs.


Upstream/Downstream Views

One of the biggest benefits of bringing Popp onto your team of potential providers is its vast knowledge of seed production. From harvest to packaging, we understand the importance of developing a comprehensive and effective system.

Our knowledge of the impact any one piece can have upstream and/or downstream in your system is invaluable to permanently finding seamless answers that work…without impacting other functional pieces in your production procedures.

combining field
Popp Engineering

•Creativity •Professionalism •Responsiveness •Innovation

PO BOX 1871
AMES, IA 50010